The History of Chewing Gum and How Effective Gum Innovates the Industry

The History of Chewing Gum and How Effective Gum Innovates the Industry

From ancient chewing habits to modern innovation, learn how Effective Gum is revolutionizing the gum industry.

The Birth of Modern Chewing Gum

  • In the 19th century, chewing gum became a commercial product.
    • John B. Curtis is credited with producing the first commercial gum, "State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum," in the 1840s.
    • In the 1860s, the Adams New York Chewing Gum Company introduced flavors, creating the first fruit-flavored gum.
    • By the early 20th century, brands like Wrigley’s revolutionized gum with innovative marketing campaigns, making chewing gum a global phenomenon.