Plain gum arabic
Plain gum arabic
الصمغ العربي السادة
يُعتبر الصمغ العربي من أفضل المنتجات الطبيعية المعروفة بفوائدها الصحية المذهلة. يتميز هذا المنتج النقي والطبيعي بجودته العالية وخلوه من أي إضافات صناعية، مما يجعله الخيار المثالي لدعم الصحة العامة وتعزيز النشاط اليومي.
- يمكن إذابته في الماء أو العصير وتناوله يوميًا.
- يُضاف إلى المشروبات الساخنة أو الباردة كبديل طبيعي يدعم الصحة.
الجودة والتعبئة
- معبأ بعناية للحفاظ على نقائه الطبيعي وجودته.
- متوفر في عبوات أنيقة تحافظ على المنتج طازجًا وسهل الاستخدام.
اكتشف الفوائد المذهلة للصمغ العربي وابدأ رحلتك نحو حياة أكثر صحة ونشاطًا.
Prepare a bottle, preferably a glass one liter capacity.
It is filled with water only a little.
The water should preferably be room temperature and not boiling.
Three to four large, unfilled food supplements are poured in.
Then close the bottle and shake it well.
Leave the bottle for half an hour until the glue dissolves completely.
The bottle is divided into three doses, a quarter of an hour before meals.
Or twice
It is preferable to drink plenty of water throughout the day as it is beneficial and expels
It removes toxins from the body and improves digestion. Also, the fibers in the gum absorb water.
The bottle can be kept in the refrigerator for several days, but should not be kept outside.
The refrigerator, especially in summer
The glue box is stored in the kitchen just like spices and salt.
It does not need a third
It can be used for children from the age of six months and also for the elderly.
Children prefer one teaspoon once daily.
The product is safe even if more than four spoons or less are taken.
It can be eaten with yogurt, milk or natural juices.
No added sugar
Gum Arabic can be taken for long periods without fear as it is safe.
Gum Arabic does not conflict with any type of medication except for one type.
Amoxicillin antibiotics
The Effective product can be used as a face, body and hair mask.
Gum Arabic
Gum Arabic is a preservative, not a sweetener.
It has an expiration date.
كيفية الاستخدام
كيفية الاستخدام